It Grew Again
Your sex is male
Your height is 5 ft. 3.0 in., or 160.1 cm.
Your weight is 104.0 lb., or 47.3 kg.
Your birthdate is 09/29/1999, so your age is 11 years 10 months.
Your height is 95th percentileThat means you are 95th in height compared to 100 kids your age and sex.
Your weight is 80th percentile
That means you are 80th in weight compared to 100 kids your age and sex.
Your Body Mass Index is 18.5, which is the 63th percentile
That means that your BMI is 63th compared to 100 kids your age and sex.
The healthy weight range for your height and age is 84 to 117 pounds (38 to 53 kilograms). This range corresponds to a BMI between the 5th and 85th percentiles for your age and sex.