Last 30 days: Average temperature was -1.3 °C, 3.4 °C below the normal. Highest temperature was 10.4 °C (08 December), and the lowest was -11.3 °C (06 January). The total precipitation was 66.6 mm. Highest daily precipitation was 19.5 mm (27 December) (measured between 07 -07). Highest wind speed was 13.8 m/s (20 December).
Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | |||||||||||
Average | Normal | Warmest | Coldest | Total | Normal | Highest daily value | Average | Strongest wind | |||||
Dec 2009 | 1.3°C | 2.4°C | 12.0°C | 12/06/10 | -9.2°C | 12/31/10 | 71 mm | 235 mm | 20 mm | 12/27/10 | 3.2 m/s | 13.8 m/s | 12/20/10 |