Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gathering of Eagles

In honor of Erik completing Arrow of Light and Super Achiever in 12 months, we accepted the invitation from Tall Timbers District Chairman Craig Davis to attend the 2010 Gathering of Eagles Banquet. It was so nice to visit with Brett Lee, Karen O'Toole, Mike Lampkin, and Anna Tew (mom loved meeting them at Woodbadge SR1024)

Posting of the Colors
Gathering of Eagles
Feeding the Masses
Sir Baden Powell
Dr. Red Duke (Eagle Scout)

Funny thing happened this weekend. Erik is earning his Arrow of Light award in scouting, so I took him as my 'date' the the Tall Timbers Eagle Banquet. A Preview of the show to come.

A couple of people politely asked him how he liked different parts of the night, "Sir Baden-Powell", or meeting and shaking hands with Dr. Red Duke, or the eagle scout with EVERY SINGLE merit badge? The opening flag ceremony, the gift belt buckle, the gift Eagle trophy?

He was not able to formulate a good answer each time, so over whelmed with the experience.

But in the car on the way home, I was coaching him that the appropriate response is "Thank you, I had a good time" ;-) at which point he replied back.

"Oh, I DID have a good time, my favorite part was that everyone there believed in God too"


It sent a message to me reaffirming that the scouting program is the best leadership program, teaching not only camping and knot tying, but faith and values,

I was humbled by my little man.