All Grades Writing Prompt:
Choose a place where you would like to live. You can choose a certain neighborhood, a certain city, a certain country, a certain landscape – like mountains or the beach. Write an essay to persuade someone to live there.
Due November 12th
Writing Help > A+ Papers > PERSUASIVE ESSAY
The purpose of a persuasive essay is to convince the reader to agree with your opinion about something.

To write a persuasive essay, follow the directions below:
Think of a problem. The problem can be something in your school, community, city, state, country, etc. Decide what you want to persuade your reader to think and do about the problem. For example, you can argue that students should have to attend school 12 months each year. Or you can argue that summer vacations should be longer.
Take notes on the different viewpoints surrounding your topic using an idea organizer.

Write a title. Consider putting your title in the form of a question. Your paper should answer the question.
Write an introduction. Briefly inform your reader about your topic and the differing opinions on it.
Summarize the opinions of those who disagree with you.
Summarize your own opinions about the topic. Be sure to give reasons that support your opinion. Use statistics, facts, quotations from experts and examples.
Write a strong conclusion. In a persuasive essay, this can take the form of a call to action. Let your reader know what can be done to solve the problem.
Once you have finished your essay, be sure to review your writing.