Saturday, July 30, 2011
What if I mess up?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
How Schooling at home went today

Let's Grow Smart! (Space and the Solar System, Grade 2- 3) [Workbook]
Creative Edge (Editor) for a $1.00
on Page 25, we were working on a Letter Scramble:
and we thought, wow, that is hard: but it was talking about APOLLO 8, and reported "after their trip around the moon on Christmas Eve."
so we Googled Apollo 8 Christmas Eve. and got this link: Apollo 8 but it was not until I got to this clip that we discovered the quote. Thanks for your help:
Astronaut James A. Lovell, Jr.
Please Be Informed There is a Santa Claus.
but then we wandered off into the tour of the solar system and discovered Colby. but that was not enough, so we went on a journey to the stars
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
It Grew Again
Your sex is male
Your height is 5 ft. 3.0 in., or 160.1 cm.
Your weight is 104.0 lb., or 47.3 kg.
Your birthdate is 09/29/1999, so your age is 11 years 10 months.
Your height is 95th percentileThat means you are 95th in height compared to 100 kids your age and sex.
Your weight is 80th percentile
That means you are 80th in weight compared to 100 kids your age and sex.
Your Body Mass Index is 18.5, which is the 63th percentile
That means that your BMI is 63th compared to 100 kids your age and sex.
The healthy weight range for your height and age is 84 to 117 pounds (38 to 53 kilograms). This range corresponds to a BMI between the 5th and 85th percentiles for your age and sex.Sunday, July 24, 2011
Literacy through Photography
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Course Adjustment
Always remember that failure is not an option. once you get that as a mantra, the rest is elementary. I have 5 children, all of which are in school at some level. two in college, one in high school, one in middle and one in elementary. I have two grand children, one will be in PreK this fall, one that is 8 months, and one on the way, due in February. everyone needs to be nurtured, managed, and fostered. my key in addition to calendar is skype, I can have a meeting with any of my kids and connect to answer questions, work through assignments, and even coach through exams when they are in college 5 states away. Project management is how we break everything down into manageable projects.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Children with Sensory Integration Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder may not have difficulty forming friendships, but they may have a hard time keeping friendships because of impulsive behavior.
Imagine the joy at seeing a real bond between two brothers that have traditionally agitated each other for years.
It is not a great stretch of the imagination to see how the grouping of children according to birth year can breed envy of those older, contempt for those younger, and alienation from siblings. Spending all day in an institution run by adults (each equally requiring and supposedly deserving of respect and unfailing obedience) can provide competition in a child’s mind and heart for loyalty to and trust in his parents and the family’s own culture and values. The fact that most of our nation’s children are “socialized” in that system defines popular culture on those terms. Parents must be alert and active to combat these pressures, even if the children are schooled at home, and especially if they attend public or private school. The survival of our families and the souls of our children depends upon it.
T. J. ed.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Serenity Prayer

to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Summer Enrichment

Razzle Dazzle Writing: Achieving Excellence Through 50 Target Skills
Melissa ForneyCaught'ya!: Grammar With a Giggle
Jane Bell KiesterSaturday, July 2, 2011
Sam Houston State Park
8a. | Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe swim. |
8b. | Demonstrate your ability to jump feetfirst into water over your head in depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, then return to your starting place. |
8c. | Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg, by reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects. Explain why swimming rescues should not be attempted when a reaching or throwing rescue is possible, and explain why and how a rescue swimmer should avoid contact with the victim. FIRST CLASS |
9b. | Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test.* |
9c. | With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both as tender and as rescuer. (The practice victim should be approximately 30 feet from shore in deep water.) |
Friday, July 1, 2011
Camp Invention
The SPARK Program
Join us on a W!LD animal adventure and explore the most spectacular and inventive animals on the planet. During the W!LD: Wondrous Innovations and Living Designs™ module, children explore W!LD and wondrous animal inventors. During the week, participants explore how cuttlefish use camouflage to hunt and hide, paper wasps that make “paper”, snails that create iron plated armor, fire beetles that use infrared light, and geckos that climb walls using nano hairs. Mother Nature’s very own inventors are sure to spark your imagination on thisW!LD animal exploration.
Mysterious coded messages have been left at The Curious Cypher Club™headquarters, and it is up to the Camp Invention participants to solve this puzzling mystery. Each day, children solve a different coded message and use the same code to send a message back to the culprit. After working on their codes each day, children work together to build a clubhouse using materials such as PVC pipes, rolls of corrugated cardboard, and other upcycled materials. After a week of solving coded messages and using their engineering skills to build a unique clubhouse, children uncover the culprit, end the message sending, and are awarded membership into The Curious Cypher Club!
During the Bounce! An Atomic Journey™ module, children investigate the science of atoms and molecules by experimenting with bouncy balls! A dynamic mix of chemistry and physical science, children bounce their way through atoms, molecules, mixtures, and compounds to figure out how cool matter (like a bouncy ball) is created. Children gain experience designing and conducting their own experiments and investigations as they explore how atoms join together to make molecules that shape our entire world! Children design high-bouncing investigations, practice moving atoms like nanotechnologists, conduct inquiry-based static electricity experiments, and make salty solutions, slimy compounds, polymer snow, and their very own bouncy ball to take home!
Children shake up traditional games to create new experiences that will have them thinking and upcycling their way to a brand new kind of fun! In the Game On: Power Play™ module, children are challenged to use nontraditional equipment (such as water balloons) to play classic games. Each day features fresh ideas that will have children mentally and physically engaged and completely entertained. The laughter is contagious as children use fun ways to enhance their level of cooperation and coordination in these innovative, team-building exercises. Children's minds and bodies are put to the test as they combine physical activity, creativity and fun!
During the I Can Invent: Edison’s Workshop™ module children walk in the footsteps of Thomas Edison as they create and market a multi-step machine. Creative problem solving is fostered as children imagine and assemble the unthinkable! Younger children work in teams to create multi-step inventions using pieces and parts of broken appliances and other upcycled materials. Older children work in teams to build complicated, multi-step machines that solve a challenge. All children further explore the process of invention as they market their inventions. A participant favorite, children of all ages find this module incredibly challenging and exciting!